To be frank, I have never involved in any Drama competition before. Never, so yes, this was my first time participating in Drama competition. Actually, I was the one who wanted to be Rose at first. No one chose me to be the actress. I volunteered as I thought Rose was just a minor character. I thought so because my friends, Nurul 'Aqilah and Nuraina Hani said Rose is a blind lady and sells flowers for a living . Shame on me for judging a character by its personality. However as I knew Rose was no ordinary character, I refused to be her but Nuraina Hani kept persuading me to play the role of the blind lady whom sells flowers for a living so that she can send her sick mother to the doctor and in love with a guy named Percy. At last, I decided to give it a try. Moreover, I would love to gain new experience and knowledge.
Form 4 English Drama Competition 2013: Gulp and Gasp.
Our director, Syarifah Nur Husna.
Represent to you 4 Kreatif actors and actress,
From left: Nabil Aiman and Ameer Izwan.
Nabil Aiman as Lord Septic.
Ameer Izwan as Crouch.
Nurzafira Sabrina as Rose.
I borrowed the hat from Nurzeihan.
The white shawl was Nuraina Hani's.
Syarifah Nur Husna sponsored the pink dress.
Fatin Nureliyana let me borrowed her sandals.
(... Hi! Meet my classmates!) They are amazing.
Muhd Ameerul whom is wearing the hat as Percy.
We went over to Syarifah Nur Husna's house to practice last Saturday and today, during English class which was on the last two periods, Teacher Zaimah asked us to present our Drama in front of her. Frankly speaking, I still did not memorize my script back then. Same goes to Nabil Aiman and Ameer Izwan. Their scripts were longer than mine and Percy's. However, Percy's was the shortest so Muhd Ameerul basically got nothing to afraid of since he only needed 10 minutes to memorize his dialogues. After that, I had to attend my Principle Accounting's class which started at 1.05 p.m. till 2.15 p.m. then I performed my Zuhur prayer and had my lunch at the school's canteen.
The Drama competition started at 3.30 p.m. so I had to be very rushing in order to get myself ready and well-prepared for the competition. Luckily, Nuraina Hani and Nur Shahida Nadira helped me a lot during the preparation. Nuraina Hani did the make up while Nur Shahida Nadira helped me wear the shawl. Girls do really love compliments don't they? I am a girl so yes I do really love compliments! As soon as I was prepared for the competition - the shawl was secured nicely on my head, the dress looked perfectly perfect when I wore it and the make up made my face looked flawless - a lot of people said I looked beautiful.
(... Even Haziq Haiqal was pixilated by my beauty!)
Much obliged Nuraina Hani and Nur Shahida Nadira! :D
With Nuraina Hani, my Manager.
Thanks to her for forcing me to participate in this competition. ^^
With Nurul 'Aqilah.
With Syarifah Nur Husna.
My dearest classmates - 4 Kreatif 2013.
I love you guys so much. :'>
Unfortunately we lose in the competition but it was not a big deal as long as we enjoyed ourselves!
It was an awesome experience after all.
Lots of Love, Nurzafira Sabrina.
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