Guess who just graduated as a high school student?!
You get it right, peeps. It's me!
Exactly one month and a half left before I am officially no longer a high school student! I felt as if I just entered the school for Form 1 Orientation day which fall on December 31st, 2009. Now, here I am, celebrating Graduation day. Time flies so fast, indeed!
#Throwback. #WhatPubertyDidToMe. #PubertyHitsMeHard.
I bet you are laughing your ass off right now, aren't you? -________-
Just so you know, that picture was taken in the year of 2010. -- Graduated, innocently, as a Primary School student. Mama forced me to take pictures and, I was shy. Yes, shy. Laughs. Now, wherever I go, whatever I do, I would ask my youngest sister to capture my picture. People changed right? So do I.
Anyway, let's get back to the story. I was really looking for this day. I even asked my mom to buy me a beautiful dress because you only graduated from high school once in a life time! Therefore, you have to look as beautiful as a princess whilst for guys, as handsome as the prince. Hear me?!
This was the dress I wore.
I bought it at one of the stores in Metro Kajang.
Mm-hmm, I don't apply any make ups on my face because I did not know we could wear our make ups today. Plus, I don't know how on earth to apply all the mascara, eyeliner, blusher and all that. And often confused between eyeliner and mascara. The only thing I know is how to wear compact powder and apply the lip balm on my lips. Lipstick?! I asked my younger sister to put it for me. Because every time I did it myself, the lipstick would look comot. -________-
My classmates, the Ibnues.
I introduced you to, *Drums roll*, the people who have been with me through my ups and downs, Rabiatul Aqillah and Syazwani Afza.
Really, I think of blabbing about two of my many favorite people but I just can't find the right time to do so due to business with SPM and everything. If you two, ever read this, I know I am a sweet talker, but it's okay if it's with the two of you right? Please know and realize that I love both of you so much that whenever any of you needs my help or a shoulder to lean on, I will always be there. Okay? Okay.
Same goes to you Haziq Haiqal!!!
(... Oh good luck in finding your future wife, Jiqsaw puzzle/blade.)
The beauty with brain, Aisyah Nabila.
With the Ibnu Sina to my Chemistry, Ooi Qi Qin.
Thanks Gigi (That's her nickname, created by Teacher Junaninah, our History teacher) for teaching me Chemistry. Thanks for the help and for being a good friend throughout the year.
With Love, Fifa. (And that is my nickname, she created it. Fifa World Cup, she said.)
I sat beside them during the event. Meet Najwa Atiqah who is a quiet girl in class and hell yeah, the Additional Mathematics expert, Noraina.
After the event ended.
The event went well. Except that I was nervous walking up on the stage and received the scroll. We had a rehearsal yesterday and were instructed to say, "Thank you Dato'" to the guy who gave us the scrolls. But, I, inadvertently called him cikgu, instead of Dato'. I tried to say sorry but hey, we need to hurry so yes, I walked down the stage, feeling disappointed.
The ending was splendid! We sang Laskar Pelangi song dedicated to our parents. I felt like crying when I sang the song. Especially when I looked at my mom. The perks of having a sensitive heart. *Pouts.
Getting chubbier and chubbier and chubbier everyday.
I looked like a tomato squeezed by pretty girls.
Insecurity level infinity.
In case you are wondering, that trophy isn't mine. It's Rabiatul Aqillah's. Anyway, I would want to congratulate both Haziq Haiqal and Rabiatul Aqillah for they had received awards, Haziq Haiqal, Anugerah Datin Hajah Ramlah whilst Rabiatul Aqillah, Anugerah Kepimpinan Terbaik.Barely remember what awards they had received but hey, you people, I am so proud of you guys! Both of you made me cried like a baby today! Congratulations, TonsEL.
That is all that happened today. I wish everyone all the best in SPM. It's our last year man, let's break a leg and pass with flying colors. 5 Ibnu Sina, I love each and everyone of you. Thanks for leaving one of the sweetest memories I have ever had.
To the teachers, mm-hmm. Thank you so much for everything. Especially for the knowledge and sharing experiences with me and my friends. None will ever be forgotten. It stayed here, in our heart, forever.
To my parents, I really want both of you be proud of me. If it's not today, I am going to make it happens one day, Insha Allah.
Good luck 97's in the battle.
Remember this, "Even if you lose, you only lose the battle, not the war." :)
Lots of Love, Nurzafira Sabrina.
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